This entry is part [not set] of 34 in the series Inspirations: Aesop's Fables
Inspirations: Aesop's Fables



A Cock was busily scratching and scraping about to find something to eat for himself and his family, when he happened to turn up a precious jewel that had been lost by its owner.

“Aha!” said the Cock. “No doubt you are very costly and he who lost you would give a great deal to find you. But as for me, I would choose a single grain of barleycorn before all the jewels in the world.”

[easy-tweet tweet=”Precious things are without value to those who cannot prize them. – Æsop” user=”AutumnRennie” hashtags=”aesop, fable, sensorystory” template=”dark”]



“THE COCK & THE JEWEL” by Æsop. (c600BCE). AESOP’S FABLES for CHILDREN: ILLUSTRATED by MILO WINTER (2008 Unabridged Republication of The ÆSOP for CHILDREN (1919), Chicago: Rand McNally & Co.), p. 39. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. > Used in #AESOP’S FABLES for CHILDREN. [Bibliography]


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