If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 4

…The air pushed hard against me as I flew straight up through the thickening clouds. They thundered and shuddered my whole body.  My new wings flapped open as if they had always been there. The ground melted out of sight. Bright light surrounded me. I wished Mother could see this.  I tried to slow down to feel the damp clouds, but a strong wind seized me. I sank. I sank up.


If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 3

…”Wake up, Sera! You’ll break all the pots!” The fog in my head told me it was too early for this. I must have really done it now. Mother poked hard at my leg hanging over my bed. I tried to shake her hand away, but I fell over right onto the floor. I searched the room to get my bearings. The barbed baskets seemed a bit lower this morning.


If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 2

…The path home was a cold and dark one. I wouldn’t miss this long walk.  Maybe things would be better when spring came.  The sky was dark as clouds gathered, hiding the starlight. I kicked off my dusty shoes outside our home and went inside. Mother tied down the last wrap over the top of the roof. I had left it open since the last moon. Tonight’s Hunger Moon had grown full, but I could not see its light.


Making Madness: The Story of 2022 so far

Journal along with us this year as we work through the new sensory knowledge journal, Making Madness. We will start at the most reasonable place of course, the beginning. This vintage-style guided journal opens with a short 6-page section for recording a few paragraphs about how the year of 2022 has gone for us so far. The calendar, which we’ll work through next, starts in May when the freshness of spring urges us to start anew. We are making notes about life happenings from about January to now, the beginning of May.

This year has been a whirlwind ever since the sun set on New Year’s Eve. I’m flipping through my worn-out agenda book from the past year and old phone photos to refresh my memory for this little prelude section of the guided journal. We did get a southern snow in mid January down here in the state of Georgia this year. We built a snowman with frozen beef jerky for a nose, since we were plumb out of carrots at the time. The snow cover was gorgeous on the trees and we couldn’t help but get out and enjoy our short time with the powdery snow that day…
