In a Southern woodland, where the night blooms with magnolias and fireflies, an enchanting story unfolds. Woodland creatures come together under the crescent moon, united by a mission: to replace the mundane word “hi.” In this charming tale, they embark on a captivating journey to breathe new life into their language, guided by the stars and a shared desire for something more vibrant. Enjoy this mini story of transformation and unity, set against the backdrop of a magical forest

The Creature Council’s Decision

In a southern woodland, where magnolias bloom,
The Creatures hold Council, beneath the crescent moon.
Amidst fireflies’ aglow, we ponder a change,
One word to release, a greeting to rearrange.

The Rabbits, they gather, ears perked up high,
Say, “Let’s bid adieu to ‘hi,’ and reach for the sky.”
The Owls, wise and solemn, hoot in accord,
“Embrace a new greeting, let our voices be heard.”

The Raccoons, mischievous, dance in delight,
“Find a word more lively, one that takes flight.”
And so, in this woodland, with creatures so spry,
We seek a new word, to paint the night sky.

With a rustle of leaves, and a chirping of crickets,
We decide on “Greetings,” to bestow friendly tickets.
For “hi” is too mundane, a greeting so mild,
We crave something vibrant, like the call of a wild.

So we were clever creatures, beneath the silvery moon,
Chirping “Greetings” and “Hello,” in a melodious tune.
With the stars as a guide, our language took flight,
In this Council’s Decision, where our wishes find the light.

An easy to color coloring page of two rabbits greeting each other under the moon and starsAn easy to color coloring page of two rabbits greeting each other under the moon and stars

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This story was inspired by

Daily writing prompt
If you had to give up one word that you use regularly, what would it be?

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