In a Southern woodland, where the night blooms with magnolias and fireflies, an enchanting story unfolds. Woodland creatures come together under the crescent moon, united by a mission: to replace the mundane word “hi.” In this charming tale, they embark on a captivating journey to breathe new life into their language, guided by the stars and a shared desire for something more vibrant. Enjoy this mini story of transformation and unity, set against the backdrop of a magical forest …
Introducing ‘Wild Rumpus’: a DIY Immersive Sensory Experience of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’
Embark on an exhilarating journey into the enchanting world of Maurice Sendak’s beloved classic, ‘Where the Wild Things Are,’ right from the comfort of your own sensory spaces! Welcome to Chrysanthemum Stories, where we’re bringing the Wild Rumpus to life with this DIY immersive sensory experience that will ignite our senses and spark our imagination. Get ready to release the magic of this timeless tale as we dive into sensory words, prompts, and more to prepare for this experience, all in our story library!
A quick summer planner with peach blossoms coloring page
Make a quick summer plan with this design made for 11×17-sized paper printing. Share a pic of your colored work in the Sensory Coloring Pages Sharegroup on FB. There will be a new page out every week this summer to go along with the 2020 Summer Knowledge Journal. Coloring Page for Week 2 of May 2020: Plan “May — June — July — August Summer Planner with Peach Blossoms” Here’s the free PDF PRINTABLE download >>> Teacher Appreciation […]
A quick thank you note for teacher appreciation week
Make a quick thank you note for teacher appreciation week with this design made for letter-sized paper printing. Share a pic of your colored work in the Sensory Coloring Pages Sharegroup on FB. There will be a new page out every week this summer to go along with the 2020 Summer Knowledge Journal. Coloring Page for Week 2 of May 2020: Appreciate “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.” Here’s the free PDF PRINTABLE download […]
Coloring Page for Week 1 of May 2020: “Appreciate”
Here’s a free PDF PRINTABLE download >>> 2020 Mother’s Day Coloring Card PDF PRINTABLE.