“I’m not going to do Nothing anymore…”

1 Share Pinterest 1 Share Facebook 0 Share Twitter 0 Share LinkedIn 0 Share Telegram 0 Share WhatsApp 0 Share Email #wednesdaywisdom #pooh #poohbear #winniethepooh #authentic #quote #aamilnequote #aamilne “I’m not going to do Nothing any more.” “Never again?” “Well, not so much. They don’t let you.” Source: Milne, A.A. (2016), The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh (Reprint, Original work published 1926) (p. 342). New York: Dutton Children’s Books. > Used in #The COMPLETE TALES of WINNIE the POOH. [Bibliography]  


A reading of an aching poem about incompatibility: “The Forsaken Merman” written by Matthew Arnold

1 Share Pinterest 1 Share Facebook 0 Share Twitter 0 Share LinkedIn 0 Share Telegram 0 Share WhatsApp 0 Share Email  Watch this video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/1CpZ2g691Kg #poem #poetryreading #merman #pagan #bible #forsaken #lawrenceville #asmr #asmrreading #asmrvideo #theforsakenmerman #matthewarnold COME, dear children, let us away; Down and away below! Now my brothers call from the bay, Now the great winds shoreward blow, Now the salt tides seaward flow; Now the wild white horses play, Champ and chafe and toss […]


A reading of a lamenting poem about the end of an age: “Harps Hung Up in Babylon” written by Arthur Colton

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A reading of a stark poem about disappointment: “County Guy” written by Sir Walter Scott

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A reading of a little poem about liveliness: “Sound, Sound the Clarion” written by Sir Walter Scott

1 Share Pinterest 1 Share Facebook 0 Share Twitter 0 Share LinkedIn 0 Share Telegram 0 Share WhatsApp 0 Share Email #sound #sensual #sensualworld #asmr #asmrreading #asmrsounds #asmrvideo #sirwalterscott SOUND, sound the clarion, fill the fife! To all the sensual world proclaim, One crowded hour of glorious life Is worth an age without a name. Reading Selection: Sound, Sound the Clarion by Sir Walter Scott. (1955). In E. Markham (Ed.), Anthology of the World’s Best Poems (Memorial Ed., Vol. III, […]
