… Over the next few moons, the clouds dripped at star-rise and star-set. The channels flowed and those who remained in the village agreed to use the Mer’s seeds this spring. We made long rows for each variety and placed them carefully in the ground. They grew fast in the special air and rain.
Spring turned to summer, and back again. We sowed over and over again beneath the velvety clouds. Color guarded every nook of the market. From the food we harvested, to the patches of flowers and channels flowing with crystal water, strength blossomed into life.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 9
…Mother frantically patched the holes in the walls of our hut through her laughter and smiles. I moved to help her before the rains made their way here. She saw me and her eyes dropped with a slight sadness I did not expect, but she kept to her work, still smiling. We tore strips of my tiny old clothes and tied them together to use as ropes to hold the fallen sides together. She worked on the inside and I worked on the outside.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 8
…I followed the current through the air and over the withering treetops, and sang to the egg to guide the way. Dry paths of sunken ground wove throughout the forest. The yellow waves of the current led me to the patch of acacia trees I saw earlier. As I closed in, I saw the peaks of the Mer keys sparkling in our hot star’s rays that found their way through the clouds. What remained of a stream led to a drained riverbed. The overgrown trees hid the bottoms of the keys. What a desolate place. It only needed water, like the rest of the land.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 7
…Down I drifted into the clouds. They yielded eagerly to the will of my wings. The underside of the clouds pouted, dark and heavy with rain that would not fall into Sleep.
After I floated down and out of the clouds, I turned my focus to the ground. I saw around me clearly, but my eyes remained shut. I focused on our hut as I descended.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 6
…I came to as I crashed into the Edge. It took all my strength to move. The Edge thickened each time I tried. Warmth seeped into my skin. I stopped fighting and let my arms and legs rest. I resisted the urge to open my eyes. Instead, I curled up inside my wings. A strange comfort gripped me. A dangerous comfort.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 5
…he silhouetted man leaned his head back and took in a long breath. The wind changed around me despite our distance. He let the breath go and released more star space. I shielded my ears as a screech surrounded us. He had blown away half his size when the screeching ended. He paused a moment, shaken from the transition, before releasing a smile and making his way to me. “How are your wings?” He closed the distance between us.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 4
…The air pushed hard against me as I flew straight up through the thickening clouds. They thundered and shuddered my whole body. My new wings flapped open as if they had always been there. The ground melted out of sight. Bright light surrounded me. I wished Mother could see this. I tried to slow down to feel the damp clouds, but a strong wind seized me. I sank. I sank up.
If You Don’t Want to Go to Sleep, Close Your Eyes: Chapter 3
…”Wake up, Sera! You’ll break all the pots!” The fog in my head told me it was too early for this. I must have really done it now. Mother poked hard at my leg hanging over my bed. I tried to shake her hand away, but I fell over right onto the floor. I searched the room to get my bearings. The barbed baskets seemed a bit lower this morning.