
adjective / sel-kooth / selcouthly (Atmospheric) has a vague but indefinable familiarity; not clearly evident or well known; possibly even silly in nature “ffor sothe I sagh neuer sich a sight In no-kyns land; A starne thus, aboute mydnyght, so bright shynand. It gyfys more light it self alone Then any son that euer shone, Or mone, when he of son has ton his light so cleyn; Sich selcouth sight haue I sene none, what so euer it meyn.” The […]


verb / shuhd-erd / shudder / shuddered / shuddering to tremble convulsively as a result of fear, revulsion, or coldness The true genius shudders at incompleteness — imperfection — and usually prefers silence to saying the something which is not everything that should be said. Edgar Allan Poe (Marginalia)