verb / dwin-dl / dwindle / dwindling to gradually diminish in size and splendor The fire that we kindled,A beacon by night,When darkness has dwindledGrows pale in the light. George William Russell (Truth)
golden hour
a time of the day when the light is soft and warm : FOUND IN :
adjective / hohr-ee / hoariness / hoarier / hoariest whitish-grey from aging There is not really any courage at all in attacking hoary or antiquated things, any more than in offering to fight one’s grandmother. The really courageous man is he who defies tyrannies young as the morning and superstitions fresh as the first flowers. The only true free-thinker is he whose intellect is as much free from the future as from the past. G.K. Chesterton (What’s Wrong with the World) […]
adjective / vair-ee-i-gey-tid / variegate / unvariegated / variegation (Patterns & Shapes; Colors; Seeing) A design with distinct streaks, marks, or colors (Smelling) An area with patches of scents (Tasting) Having a variety of flavor pockets (Touching) Having streaks of different textures Second hand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack. Virginia Woolf