Pomodoro Countdown Timers for Long Work Sessions

Want to stop ping-ponging between procrastinating and hyperfocusing? Pomodoro timers keep me accountable and on track when I know I need to stay focused on a task for a long block of work. It increases my awareness for how long it takes me to finish a project so I can get better at planning for it in the future. It can also keep my multi-tasking at bay until the break markers pop up. I know the breaks are coming and […]


Galaxy Countdown Timers to Use in the Classroom

For timed assignments and work blocks, using timers can help relieve some of the anxiety about finishing the task. They give me a tiny sense of control about the task and, like making lists, they take the stress of tracking the deadline off of my plate. I can just peek up at break points and see if I need to speed up or if I can take more time for something. The timed countdown allows me to focus more on […]


“Flos Ferox Porta IV — No. 245-248” in a series of fluorescent strainer acrylic pour paintings on silver

New color effects experiments are on the drawing board for this session of acrylic pour painting – some intentional, and some not so very much… Each of them has a slight adaptation that results in very different expression.


“Flos Ferox Porta III — No. 241-244” in a series of fluorescent strainer pours on silver

The plan was to make a pair, but the best laid plans are no match for destiny. Four wild flower portals needed to open today and here lie the results when they took over.


“Flos Ferox Porta II — No. 239-240” in a series of fluorescent strainer pours on silver

OK, so the camera is having a little temper-tantrum on this stream, but NEVERTHELESS, the paint persists! I think the wildflower realm maybe wants some privacy… It’s draw is too great, though, and we must venture into composition II of Flos Ferox Porta, (Wild Flower Portal) to see what mischief lies therein.


“Flos Ferox Porta — No. 237-238” in a series of fluorescent strainer pours on silver

This composition makes you wonder if you’ve just opened a portal to the plane where wildflowers are born. Its eyes grab you and pull you into an alternate dimension with springtime aromas where all the good and wild things happen.


No. 235-236 ✨ “Fluorescent Ring Pours on Silver”

 Specs Medium: acrylic on canvas  Dimensions: 20” L x 16” W Number: 235-236, of a series, “Ring Pours” Here’s what you need to try it >>>       Catch a livestream: Youtube, Twitch, or IGTV You may like this one too Order a pretty picture


No. 225-226 ✨ “Strained Pours”

 Medium: acrylic on canvas  Dimensions: 20” L x 16” W Number: 225-226, of a series, “Strained Pours” Here’s what you need to try it >>>   CATCH A LIVESTREAM ON THE YOUTUBE, TWITCH, OR IGTV CHANNEL   YOU MAY LIKE THIS ONE TOO   ORDER A PRETTY PICTURE [products limit=”8″ columns=”4″ category=”original-signed-works” cat_operator=”AND”]  


No. 216-217 ✨ Strained Pours

 Medium: acrylic on canvas  Dimensions: 20” L x 16” W Number: 216-217, of a series, “Strained Pours” Here’s what you need to try it >>> ORDER A PRETTY PICTURE [products limit=”8″ columns=”4″ category=”original-signed-works” cat_operator=”AND”] YOU MAY LIKE THIS ONE TOO
